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1� ��� ������ ������������� 2006-2007

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�������� ���������:
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��������� 800
������� 300
������� 425
��������� 250
������ 850
������� 100

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program x_z; uses crt; Type MyRec = Record surname:string; money:integer; end; Const max = 4; var ms:array [1..max] of MyRec; a:array [1..max] of integer; i,j,k,n,sum:integer; b:string; begin clrscr; for i:=1 to max do begin writeln ('Vvedite phamiliiu ',i,' -ogo rabotnika'); readln (ms[i].surname); writeln ('Vvedite z/p ',i,' -ogo rabotnika'); readln (ms[i].money); n:=i; for k:=1 to n do begin if ms[i].surname=ms[k].surname then begin sum:=ms[k].money+ms[i].money; n:=n-1; writeln ('Summa = ',sum); end; end; end; readln; end.

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��� �������� DLL �� Turbo Pascal?
Graph - ��� � ����������� ������ ������� ����������?
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